Municipal Website
This category showcases a website created to share information relating to the municipality, a municipal department or a municipal service. Click on the images to visit the websites. You can also click on the contact name to reach out to our Outstanding Showcase content creators!
City of Bonita Springs
Website Overhaul
Kiehl Ellison
IT Project Manager
Bonita Springs is proud of the new and improved city website. The redesigned site provides improved navigability and has garnered positive feedback from the community. Visitors are now easily able to search for city documents, read news stories, report a problem and access public services within seconds of logging on.
Town of Cutler Bay
Website Redesign
Desiree Ducasa
Public Information Officer
The new Cutler Bay website was developed after the community consistently complained about how pages were organized, and the new website was designed with close attention to this. The mega menu effectively categorizes all pages between pop-down menus.
City of Kissimmee
Kissimmee Responds Webpage
Melissa Zayas-Moreno
Communications & Public Affairs Officer
To better assist residents during the COVID-19 health crisis, the City of Kissimmee launched a new website in March 2020 to focus on the response to the Novel Coronavirus. This page offers specific information about city operations, impacts, restrictions, and assistance to residents and business owners.
City of Miami Beach
Miami Beach Neighborhood Affairs Division Website
Paul Scicchitano
MB Magazine Editor
Residents can see a list of projects in one of four categories: Citywide, North Beach, Mid Beach and South Beach. They can access upcoming meetings and workshops, previous meeting records, project updates, relevant presentations as well as information about topics such as hurricanes and COVID-19.
City of Tallahassee
Carrie Poole
Public Information Specialist
As people began to adjust to staying at home more than ever before due to COVID-19, the City of Tallahassee developed a website featuring ideas about what residents could do to remain active and connected while staying safe at home. The website allowed residents to share their own ideas, which were then shared on the website and the City’s social media.
City of Temple Terrace
Website Redesign
Laurie L. Hayes
Marketing & Communications Officer
In January 2020, the City of Temple Terrace launched a new, enhanced version of its website. Working with CivicPlus, the city selected a new color palette, took and edited photos of city attractions to coordinate with the colors chosen and added new features to the homepage to highlight news and events.